Therapy for depression in California & NEW YORK

Get Unstuck:
Overcome Depression and Move Forward

Patricia Alvarado - EMDR therapist

You may be experiencing a pervasive sense of sadness and hopelessness that makes daily life feel like an overwhelming burden.

The simplest tasks, like getting out of bed or going to work, can seem insurmountable, and even the smallest decisions may feel overwhelming.

Activities that once brought joy now feel meaningless, leading to difficulties in maintaining motivation and engaging in life.

Fatigue and sleep disturbances, whether insomnia or oversleeping, leave you physically drained, while changes in appetite further impact your self-esteem.

Persistent feelings of worthlessness and intense self-criticism can strain your relationships, leaving you feeling isolated and misunderstood.

The struggle to manage work or daily responsibilities only compounds this sense of hopelessness, making each day feel like an endless cycle of despair with no relief in sight.

young woman in shadows with her hand over her face

Therapy can help you:

Renew Your Sense of Hope & Resilience

We provide a space to process and overcome challenges, empowering you to envision a positive future. This environment supports the development of fresh perspectives and coping strategies, cultivating resilience and optimism.

Build Empowerment

We will help you identify and harness your inherent strengths by providing tools to actively manage your symptoms. This process enables you to take control of your mental health journey and make positive changes. You’ll also learn how to make choices about how to respond to external events, enhancing your sense of agency and control.

Develop Coping Skills That Actually Work

We offer a nurturing environment where you can explore and understand all of your emotions. Together, we will develop personalized coping strategies that are effective and sustainable, enabling you to manage big emotions and challenges more efficiently.

Rediscover Your Motivation

We will work together to help you rediscover your motivation by identifying underlying issues that may be hindering your drive and by setting achievable goals that reignite your passion and purpose.

Find Joy in Your Daily Activities

We will focus on the present moment to help you rediscover pleasure and satisfaction in your daily activities, ultimately restoring joy and enthusiasm to your life.

Cultivate Healthier Relationships

We will equip you with tools for effective communication and conflict resolution, promoting deeper connections and healthier dynamics within your relationships.

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Wondering if this is the change you’re seeking?
It’s your time to heal in a transformative way. 

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